Oracle Tidbits: August 2021 #OraTidbit

Oracle *daily* TidBits (#oratidbit) were published on Facebook &Twitter during weekdays in August 2021. I hope you find these helpful to learn something new or remind you of its existence and use

#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c You can use the -switchGridHome option with gridSetup. sh to switch from one Oracle Grid Infrastructure home to another. This #db21c feature is available from 19.9.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c To securely capture and replicate individual pluggable database (PDB) changes to Oracle Autonomous Database, you can now use Oracle GoldenGate to provide per-PDB capture. This #db21c feature is available from 19.10.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c You can create SQL Macros (SQM) to factor out common SQL expressions and statements into reusable, parameterized constructs that can be used in other SQL statements. This #db21c feature is available from 19.7.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c Blockchain tables are append-only tables in which only insert operations are allowed. Rows in a blockchain table are made tamper-resistant by special sequencing and chaining algorithms. Deleting rows is either prohibited or restricted based on time. This #db21c feature is available from 19.10.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c New database initialization parameters MIN_AUTH_SERVERS, MAX_AUTH_SERVERS, and DRCP_DEDICATED_OPT have been added to configure Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP). This #db21c feature is available from 19.10.
#OraTidbit #AutonomousDB #NewFeature When you provision or clone an Autonomous Database instance you can select a patch level to apply upcoming patches. There are two patch-level options: Regular and Early.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c Application Continuity Protection Check (ACCHK) provides guidance on the level of protection for each application that uses Application Continuity and assists you to increase protection if required. This #db21c feature is available from 19.11.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c Database In-Memory “Base Level” feature allows the use of Database In-Memory with up to a 16GB column store without having to license the option. This #db21c feature is available from 19.8.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c Gradual Database Password Rollover for Applications feature allows an application can change its database passwords without an administrator having to schedule downtime. Use the PASSWORD_ROLLOVER_TIME password profile parameter. This #db21c feature is available from 19.12.
#OraTidbit #NewFeature #db19c #db21c Immutable tables are insert-only tables in which existing data cannot be modified. Deleting rows is either prohibited or restricted based on the insertion time of the rows. This #db21c feature is available from 19.11.
#OraTidbit #AutonomousDB #New When you provision or clone an Autonomous Database instance you can select a patch level to apply upcoming patches. There are two patch-level options: Regular and Early. The Early patch level allows you to use and to test upcoming patches before they are applied to all systems.
#OraTidbit #AutonomousDB #New When you enable Autonomous Data Guard, the system creates a standby database that is continuously updated with the changes from the primary database. You can enable Autonomous Data Guard with standby in the current region, a local standby, or with standby in a different region, a cross-region standby. You can also enable Autonomous Data Guard with both a local standby and a cross-region standby.