Approximate Query Processing in 12c Release 2

dbcloudApproximate Query Processing appears to be a major feature of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 SQL. In 12cR1 patchset 2 (, we saw one approximate query function appear – APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT to use instead of COUNT(DISTINCT). In 12.2 there are several APPROX functions introduced:



According to Oracle documentation, “Approximate query processing is primarily used in data discovery applications to return quick answers to explorative queries. Users typically want to locate interesting data points within large amounts of data and then drill down to uncover further levels of detail. For explorative queries, quick responses are more important than exact values.”

The interesting part is that you can utilize the Approximate functions without changing code. There are three initialization parameters introduced to control which functions should be treated as an approximate function during run time… cool!

The initialization parameters are:

  • approx_for_aggregation
  • approx_for_count_distinct
  • approx_for_percentile

To replace only the COUNT(DISTINCT) function in queries with the APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT function, set the approx_for_count_distinct initialization parameter to TRUE for the current session or for the entire database.

To replace percentile functions with the corresponding functions that return approximate results, set approx_for_percentile to PERCENTILE_CONT, PERCENTILE_DISC, or ALL (replaces all percentile functions) for the current session or for the entire database.

To run all queries using the corresponding SQL functions that return approximate results instead of the specified SQL functions, set the approx_for_aggregation initialization parameter to TRUE for the current session or for the entire database.

Read more… Oracle Documentation


V$BACKUP_NONLOGGED is new view in 12c, displays information about nonlogged block ranges in data file backups recorded in the control file. A related view is V$NONLOGGED_BLOCK. It displays ranges of nonlogged datafile blocks recorded in the control file. In version 12c and forward RMAN validate no longer populates view V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION, instead V$NONLOGGED_BLOCK is updated. V$COPY_NONLOGGED displays information about nonlogged block ranges in data file copy blocks recorded in the control file.

V$CON_SYSSTAT is similar to V$SYSSTAT view, but is new in 12c and useful for container database (CDB) architecture. May be from 12c onwards, you might want to start using V$CON_SYSSTAT instead of V$SYSSTAT, so the scripts can be used on both CDB and non-CDB.  One nice thing about V$CON_SYSSTAT is that it includes NAME and CLASS columns as well, no need to join with V$STATNAME view. Usually we join V$SYSSTAT with V$STATNAME to get a meaningful query result.