Often we have a requirement to create read only accounts for a schema. Typically these accounts are named
First create the read only user account using similar syntax as below…
create user tdmaa_query identified by tdm123q default tablespace users;
grant create session to tdmaa_query;
Be sure to save all the below lines to a file and run the file in SQL*Plus… Executing this script will produce a script file named tmpgrants.sql. Run that script to grant privileges and create synonyms.
set pages 0 lines 200 trims on verify off feedback off
accept grants_to prompt ‘Enter user to grant privileges: ‘
accept schema prompt ‘Enter schema on which to grant: ‘
spool tmpgrants.sql
select ‘grant select on ‘||owner||’.’||table_name ||’ to &grants_to;’, chr(10),
‘create synonym &grants_to..’||table_name ||’ for ‘||owner||’.’||table_name||’;’, chr(10)
from dba_tables
where owner = upper(‘&schema’)
union all
select ‘grant select on ‘||owner||’.’||view_name ||’ to &grants_to;’, chr(10),
‘create synonym &grants_to..’||view_name ||’ for ‘||owner||’.’||view_name||’;’, chr(10)
from dba_views
where owner = upper(‘&schema’)
spool off
set pages 99 lines 80 verify on feedback on
prompt “Run tmpgrants.sql if you are satistified with the script…”