OracleDB12c New Feature: Misc Security Changes

Security in Oracle12c Database is enhanced, in this blog will try to identify few difference you would see compared with 11gR2.

SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege in 12c excludes access to the following tables with authentication information:

  • ENC$
  • LINK$
  • USER$

AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter is set to DB by DBUA and DBCA utilities when a database is upgraded or created.

In the previous versions when a user is granted the RESOURCE role, the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege was granted. This is removed in 12c. If UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege required, it must be granted explicitly.

The ORAPWD utility’s  IGNORECASE option is deprecated. The default is N. Similarly the SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON parameter is deprecated as well.



OracleDB12c New Feature: Rename and Replace ASM Disk(s) in Diskgroup

As I have not set up 12c GI ASM yet, have not tested this feature… Rename clause is nice to have. Replace clause helps to avoid multiple steps when replacing disk (LUN) with new one [array migration, for example].

Information below is straight copy from Oracle Documentation


ALTER DISKGROUP diskgroup_name 
  { DISK old_disk_name TO new_disk_name 
  [, old_disk_name TO new_disk_name ]...

Use this clause to rename one or more disks in the disk group. The disk group must be in the MOUNT RESTRICTED state and all disks in the disk group must be online.

RENAME DISK Specify this clause to rename one or more disks. For each disk, specify the old_disk_name and new_disk_name. If new_disk_name already exists, then this operation fails.
RENAME DISKS ALL Specify this clause to rename all disks in the disk group to a name of the form diskgroupname_####, where #### is the disk number. Disk names that are already in the diskgroupname_#### format are not changed.


ALTER DISKGROUP diskgroup_name 
  REPLACE DISK disk_name 
  WITH 'path_name' 
  [ POWER integer ] [ WAIT | NOWAIT ]

Use this clause to replace a disk in the disk group. This clause provides a single replace operation, which is more efficient than dropping and adding a disk.

For disk_name, specify the name of the disk you want to replace. This name is assigned to the replacement disk. You can view disk names by querying the NAME column of the V$ASM_DISK dynamic performance view.

For path_name, specify the full path name for the replacement disk.

The POWER clause has the same semantics here as for a manual rebalancing of a disk group, except that the power value cannot be set to 0.  The WAIT and NOWAIT keywords have the same semantics here as for a manual rebalancing of a disk group.