Oracle Tidbits – November 2019 #OraTidbit

Oracle *daily* TidBits” (#oratidbit) published on Facebook &Twitter, during weekdays in November 2019. I hope you find these helpful to learn something new or to remind you of its existence and use.

#OraTidbit Init parameter ADG_ACCOUNT_INFO_TRACKING controls login attempts of users on Oracle Active Data Guard standby databases. Value GLOBAL maintains a single global copy of users’ account information across all databases (primary and standby). Login failures across all databases count towards the maximum count and logins anywhere will be denied when the count is reached.
#OraTidbit Oracle Database Personal Edition includes all of the Enterprise Edition components except Oracle RAC. Oracle PE is available on Linux and Windows platforms only and Oracle management packs cannot be used.
#OraTidbit #DB19c If you are not licensed for Oracle Multitenant, you may have up to 3 user-created PDBs in a container database. If you are licensed for Oracle Multitenant, you can create up to 252 PDBs on non-Exadata Enterprise Edition platforms, and 4096 PDBs on Exadata.
#OraTidbit Many #OrclDB performance features are available only on Exadata – Automatic Indexing, SQL Quarantine, Real-time statistics, High-frequency automatic optimizer statistics collection, In-Memory Column Store support for External Tables, MemOptimized Row Store, etc.
#OraTidbit Oracle Enterprise Edition security options such as Column-level encryption, Tablespace encryption, and redaction are available with the Advanced Security Option.
#OraTidbit The Oracle TimesTen Application-Tier Database Cache (TimesTen Cache) is a Database option for caching subsets of the database in the application tier. TimesTen Cache is included in Oracle Database Personal Edition.
#OraTidbit #AWS #OracleRDS Amazon RDS supports Oracle Database versions 19c (19.0.0), 18c (18.0.0) & 12c ( and You can not create DB instances that use Oracle version or lower.
#OraTidbit #AWS #OracleRDS There are two licensing options available on Amazon RDS: License Included and Bring Your Own License (BYOL). The License Included model is supported for Oracle Database Standard Edition One & Two (SE1 & SE2).
#OraTidbit #AWS #OracleRDS Amazon RDS supports Multi-AZ deployments for Oracle as a high-availability, failover solution. If you use the Bring Your Own License model, you must have a license for both the primary DB instance and the standby DB instance in a Multi-AZ deployment.
#OraTidbit #AWS #OracleRDS Several privileges are not available for the DBA role on an Amazon RDS DB instance – Alter database, Alter system, Create any directory, Drop any directory, Grant any privilege, Grant any role.
#OraTidbit #OracleCloud #OrclDB For 1-node virtual machine DB systems, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a “fast provisioning” option to create a DB system using Logical Volume Manager (LVM) as your storage management software instead of Automatic Storage Management (ASM).
#OraTidbit #OracleCloud #OrclDB Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers 1-node DB systems on either bare metal or virtual machines and 2-node RAC DB systems on virtual machines. Bare metal DB systems have locally attached NVMe storage. VM DB system uses OCI block storage.
#OraTidbit Oracle database automatic block repair feature: the primary database automatically attempts to repair the corrupted block in real-time by fetching a good version of the same block from a physical standby database as soon as the corruption is detected. Requires the Oracle Active Data Guard option.
#OraTidbit #OrclDB Global Data Services is a highly effective solution for automatic workload management across a set of replicated databases. Oracle Data Guard, Oracle GoldenGate, or any other database replication technology, can be used to synchronize the databases. Requires the Oracle Active Data Guard license.
#OraTidbit #OrclDB Heat Map tracks data access and modification. Provides data access tracking at the segment-level and data modification tracking at the segment and row level. Enable with the HEAT_MAP initialization parameter. Requires the Oracle Advanced Compression option or the Oracle Database In-Memory option.
#OraTidbit Implement ILM strategy using the Automatic Data Optimization (ADO) feature – automate the compression and movement of data between different tiers of storage within the database. Requires the Oracle Advanced Compression option or the Oracle Database In-Memory option.
#OraTidbit Enabling block change tracking (BCT) facilitates fast incremental backups. Using BCT for Fast Incremental Backup on Physical Standby requires Oracle Active Data Guard option.
#OraTidbit ORAchk, EXAchk and Trace File Analyzer (TFA) are now combined into a single installer called Autonomous Health Framework (AHF 19.3). There is no change to the command-line tools. Use Oracle Support Doc ID 2550798.1 to download AHF.
#OraTidbit Install the Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) using command “ahf_setup”. TFA will be automatically started after install. ORAchk or EXAchk can be can be started to run automatic compliance check “orachk|exachk -autostart”.
#OraTidbit ORAchk/EXAchk -autostart will perform compliance checks for the most severe problems at 2am, once a day; and all known problems once a week at 3am on a Sunday.
#OraTidbit Certain ORAchk and EXAchk checks have the capability to automatically fix problems when found. Use “orachk -showrepair {check_id}” to see what the repair command actually does.
#OraTidbit ORAchk and EXAchk are integrated with Database AutoUpgrade & Cluster Verification Utility (CVU). They run ORAchk & EXAchk in -preupgrade mode.