Granting privileges on all or multiple objects to user/role

Granting privileges on all or multiple objects to user/role

I need to grant SELECT, UPDATE privilege on all tables owned by schema XXVMX to users MSUBBU, SMARTIN. Is there a command in Oracle to grant a privilege on all objects in schema to user?

No such privilege in Oracle. You will have to write a script to grant the privilege on individual objects to the users.

If you have to repeat the same to more users, it may be better to create a role and grant the privileges to the role. Then assign the role to the users that need the privilege. Thus when new tables are created under XXVMX, the privilege need to be added to the role once only, do not have to do grant to all the individual users.

Create Role:


Grant Role to Users:


SQL Script:

set pages 0
set lines 300 trims on feedback on echo off

spool grants.sql

SELECT ‘grant select, update on ‘ || owner ||’.’||table_name|| ‘ to XXVMX_UPDATE;’
FROM dba_tables
WHERE owner = ‘XXVMX’;

spool off

set pages 99 lines 80
set feedback on echo on

Execute the script file created to grant the privileges.


You may replace the “dba_tables” in the query with “dba_objects” and change the WHERE clause appropriately to filter different sets of objects…

Script to Refresh Materialized Views

The following script can be used to refresh materialized views that are capable of FAST (incremental) refresh automatically. Can be used on EBS database as well if you un-comment the commented (REM) lines. The refresh criteria used is any fast refresh-able materialized view that has not been refreshed in the past 24 hours, but was refreshed in the last one month…

REM Uncomment below line if EBS database
REM alter session set current_schema=apps;

set serveroutput on size 9999

cursor mv2ref is select owner ||'.'||  mview_name mview
       from dba_mviews
       where last_refresh_date between sysdate -30 and sysdate -1
       and fast_refreshable = 'DML';
dummy pls_integer;


REM Uncomment below line if EBS database
REM select MRP_AP_REFRESH_S.NEXTVAL into dummy from dual;

for rmv2ref in mv2ref loop
    dbms_mview.refresh(rmv2ref.mview, 'F');
    dbms_output.put_line(rmv2ref.mview ||' Refreshed at '|| to_char(systimestamp));

when others then
    dbms_output.put_line(rmv2ref.mview ||' Errored at '|| to_char(systimestamp));
    dbms_output.put_line('    Error: '|| sqlcode ||':'||sqlerrm);


end loop;

