Oracle Tidbits – June 2018 #oratidbit

Oracle *daily* TidBits” (#oratidbit) published on  FacebookTwitter, and Google+ during weekdays in June 2018. Hope you find these helpful to learn something new or to remind you of its existence and use.

#oratidbit #db18c A shared single client access name (Shared SCAN) enables the sharing of one set of SCAN virtual IPs (VIPs) and Listeners on one dedicated cluster in the data center with other clusters to avoid the deployment of one SCAN setup per cluster.
#oratidbit #db18c You can convert a conventional disk group (disk group created before Oracle ASM 18c) to an Oracle ASM flex disk group without using the restrictive mount (MOUNTED RESTRICTED) option.
#oratidbit #orachk #exachk Oracle Health Check Collections Manager by default purges collections that are older than three months.
#oratidbit #db18c You can drop a file group and its associated files (drop including content) using the CASCADE keyword with ALTER DISKGROUP … DROP FILEGROUP SQL statement.
#oratidbit #orachk #exachk The -failedchecks option to run only the checks that failed previously. After fixing the issues identified by orachk, you may generate another health check report to verify only the issues that failed before.
#oratidbit The Oracle ASM Intelligent Data Placement (IDP) feature has been deprecated since Oracle ASM 12c Release 2 (12.2) and desupport is planned in a future release.
#oratidbit Oracle #ORAchk supports Oracle Grid Infrastructure stand-alone checks where no database is installed. Use the option -nordbms.
#oratidbit #db18c The Data Pump Import DATA_OPTIONS parameter has a new CONTINUE_LOAD_ON_FORMAT_ERROR option. If Data Pump encounters a stream format error, it attempts to skip forward to find the start of the next row and continue loading data from that location.
#oratidbit #db18c The DATA_OPTIONS parameter of the DBMS_DATAPUMP.SET_PARAMETER procedure has a new option, KU$_DATAOPT_CONT_LOAD_ON_FMT_ERR, to continue loading data from the next row if it encounters stream format errors in the table data.
#oratidbit Use the ENCRYPTION_MODE=TRANSPARENT setting to transparently encrypt the data pump dump file set with the TDE master encryption key stored in the keystore. The keystore must be present and open at the target database during an import operation.
#oratidbit #db18c #SQLDev #ADWC SQL Developer 18.1 Data Import Wizard can load data from files in the Oracle Cloud (or local storage) to Autonomous Data Wareshouse Cloud using the DBMS_CLOUD API.
#oratidbit #SQLDev #ADWC SQL Developer Cloud Migrations wizard can migrate schemas, objects (tables), and data from an Amazon #Redshift database to Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud.
#oratidbit #SQLDev SQL Developer provides interactive advisories in the code editor identifying code that is at risk of SQL injection. First-order injection is when user-specified data from function parameters is used in a dynamic SQL statement that can be exploited.
#oratidbit #sqlcl SET HISTORY BLACKLIST allows you to set the commands that should not be recorded in history. By default, the SHOW, HISTORY, CONNECT, and SET commands are not saved in history.
#oratidbit PL/SQL data type PLS_INTEGER has advantages over the NUMBER data type. Requires less storage and uses hardware arithmetic, so they are faster than NUMBER operations, which use library arithmetic.
#oratidbit #sqldev SQL Developer Web is bundled with Oracle Public Cloud Database Services. Access to SQL Developer Web is provided through schema-based authentication, after enabling the schema for SQL Developer Web.
#oratidbit #sqldev You can use SQL Developer Web to monitor the CPU utilization, memory, storage, and operating system processes for the DBaaS compute node.
#oratidbit Init parameter CURSOR_INVALIDATION controls whether deferred or immediate cursor invalidation is used for DDL statements. Deferred invalidation spreads the recompilation workload over time. A cursor may run with a sub-optimal plan until recompiled.
#oratidbit #db18c To create a schema only account, replace the IDENTIFIED BY clause with NO AUTHENTICATION in a CREATE USER statement. You can grant system privileges and administrator roles to schema only accounts. A schema only account cannot log in to the database.

Oracle Database 18c

Happy New Year 2018!

We all have questions on Oracle Database 18c and its ability to self-drive! I tried to summarize my understanding of Oracle Database 18c and RU/RUR in a blog post here.

What to expect in Oracle Database 18c

“Oracle Database 18c by itself is NOT Self-Driving. It is the Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Service that brings the “Self-Driving” in 18c. Oracle Database 18c installed on-prem will “drive” pretty much the same as Oracle Database 12c.”

I like the idea of releasing major features more frequently and releasing patches and updates that are smaller in size and easy to test. But, the question still is how many DBAs out there are ready to patch every quarter, even if you are able to automate the patching using OEM and other tools.