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Featured Books - New Releases!

Oracle10g New Features by Robert Freeman

Oracle10g DBA Handbook by Kevin Loney and Bob Bryla

Oracle Wait Interface by Kirtikumar Deshpande

Oracle9i Certification Books

Recommended Books for DBA

DBA Getting Started Books

Every DBA must have the following books in their collection!

Oracle8i Internal Services by Steve Adams

Optimizing Oracle Performance by Carry Millsap

Expert One-on-One by Thomas Kyte

Effective Oracle by Design by Thomas Kyte

Oracle PL/SQL 3rd edition by Steven Feuerstein

Oracle SQL High-Performance Tuning by Guy Harrison


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Biju Thomas is Oracle7.3 OCP, Oracle8 OCP, 
Oracle8i OCP and Oracle9i OCA/OCP Certified DBA

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