Object Info Scripts


Note: Save the script file with .SQL extension - the default extension while saving is .TXT

Script Name


Purpose Information of audits enabled on database - Statement audits, privilege audits, object audits and default audits. Screen output saved at /tmp/audinfo.lst
Parameters None
Command Line SQL> @audinfo
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Script Name


Purpose Information on dependency of objects with respect to the object that is passed in as parameter. Wild characters may be used (%) in the parameter list. Screen output saved at /tmp/dependinfo.lst
  1. Object Owner (Wild Character % may be used)
  2. Object Name (Wild Character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @dependinfo example %
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Script Name


Purpose Information on jobs scheduled in Oracle database through dbms_job package. Screen output saved at /tmp/jobinfo.lst
Parameters None
Command Line SQL> @jobinfo
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Script Name


Purpose Shows body of the procedure name that is passed in as parameter. Wild characters may be used (%) in the parameter list. Screen output saved at /tmp/procinfo.lst
1. Program Owner (Wild character % may be used)
2. Program Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @procinfo % sal%
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Script Name


Purpose Information on Rollback segments and status. Screen output saved at /tmp/rbsinfo.lst
Command Line SQL> @rbsinfo
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Script Name


Purpose Information of Roles, other roles granted to this role, system privileges, object privileges, column privileges, users/roles assigned this role. Wild characters may be used (%) in the parameter list. Screen output saved at /tmp/roleinfo.lst
1. Role Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @roleinfo updt_sc%
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Purpose Information on Tables - storage, rows, columns, indexes, primary keys, foreign keys, check constraints, triggers, users/roles granted explicit privilege, objects depended on this table. Wild characters may be used (%) in the parameter list. Screen output saved at /tmp/tabinfo.lst
Parameters 1. Table Owner (Wild character % may be used)
2. Table Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @tabinfo scott emp
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Updates Stephen Rea has made some modifications to tabinfo.sql, including prompting for an optional file name to output the results to, and increasing the dbms_output size to 1,000,000 bytes. He has also created tabinfobig.sql which uses a temporary table to store the results from the inline procedure and, then, selects the lines out into the listing file, thus, getting around the 1,000,000-byte limit for mapping large sets of tables (his SCT Banner application has over 1,200 tables, and couldn't be mapped in it's entirety with the 1,000,000-byte limit). These two scripts have been posted to his web site http://www.uaex.edu/srea. Thank you Stephen!
Script Name


Purpose Information on table allocated, used & free space, including the indexes related to the table name passed in as parameter. Screen output saved at /tmp/tabspace.lst. This pl/sql program uses dbms_space, a supplied package from Oracle.
Parameters 1. Table Owner (Wild character % may be used)
2. Table Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @tabspace AA A%
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Script Name


Purpose Detailed information on table storage parameters and actual storage, including the indexes related to the table name, which is passed in as parameter. Screen output saved at /tmp/tabstore.lst
Parameters 1. Table Owner (Wild character % may be used)
2. Table Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @tabstore scott emp
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Purpose Body of Trigger (name passed in as parameter). Wild characters may be used (%) in the parameter list.Screen output saved at /tmp/triginfo.lst
Parameters 1. Trigger Owner (Wild character % may be used)
2. Trigger Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @triginfo scott %
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Script Name


Purpose Information on Tablespaces - size, freespace, datafiles. Wild characters may be used (%) in the parameter list.Screen output saved at /tmp/tsinfo.lst
Parameters 1. Tablespace Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @tsinfo USERS
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Script Name


Purpose Information on Schema owners - tablespaces, profile, roles granted, system privileges granted, object and column privileges granted. Wild characters may be used (%) in the parameter list. Screen output saved at /tmp/userinfo.lst
Parameters 1. User/Schema Name (Wild character % may be used)
Command Line SQL> @userinfo scott
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Biju Thomas is Oracle7.3 OCP, Oracle8 OCP, 
Oracle8i OCP and Oracle9i OCA/OCP Certified DBA

Questions/Comments? Write to webmaster@bijoos.com. © The scripts, tips and articles appearing on BijooS.com cannot be reproduced elsewhere without the prior permission from the webmaster.