package to generate source code to duplicate the database structure
Gensql is a package comprising of various procedures to generate the source code to
create objects in the database. The code is generated in a user (schema) level. This is
best suited for duplicating databases with a smaller size or with no data (export / import
may not allow you to have control over the initial extent size!). The package is capable
of generating source code for Profile, User, Role, Table, Foreign key, Primary/Unique key,
Check constraint, Index, Comment, View, Synonym, Package/Procedure/Function, Trigger and
Database link. The package comes with a procedure which can do all the above object code
generations in one command. The online help provides the list of parameters and their
default values in each procedure.
The procedure uses the Oracle database 7.3 feature of UTL_FILE to write the output.
Make sure you have UTL_FILE_DIRECTORY = /output_directory_path in your init.ora file and
to include this path in the script as your output destination. This script assumes a value
of "/tmp".
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec
Package Name : GenSql
Description : This package generates SQL statements to (re)create objects
. : These are the procedures available in this package
Procedure Name Purpose
---------------------------- ------------------------------
Generate_User_SQL Generate SQL for creating user/profile/role/privs
Generate_Table_SQL Generate SQL for creating Tables
Generate_Constraint_SQL Generate SQL for creating Constraints
Generate_Index_SQL Generate SQL for creating Indexes
Generate_Sequence_SQL Generate SQL for creating Sequences
Generate_View_SQL Generate SQL for creating Views
Generate_Synonym_SQL Generate SQL for creating Synonyms
Generate_Comment_SQL Generate SQL for creating Comments
Generate_Procedure_SQL Generate SQL for creating Stored Objects
Generate_Trigger_SQL Generate SQL for creating Triggers
Generate_Script_Files Execute all the above procedures
For more information on how to use these procedures,
******* EXEC GENSQL.procedurename; ********
Note 1: This package uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
Note 2: The output files are overwritten each time the procedures are accessed
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_user_sql;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_User_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
. : 2. Data Tablespace Name - Default SMALLDBDATA
. : 3. Index Tablespace Name - Default SMALLDBINDEX
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create
. 1. Profile related to user
. 2. User
. 3. Roles related to user
. 4. Privileges granted to the role/user
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***user.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_table_sql;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Table_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
. : 2. Data Tablespace Name - Default is SMALLDBDATA
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create Tables belonging to USER
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***tabs.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_constraint_sql;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Constraint_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
. : 2. Index Tablespace Name for Primary/Unique keys
. : - Default SMALLDBINDEX
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create
. 1. Unique and Primary Key constraints
. 2. Foreign key constraints
. 3. Check constraints
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***cons.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_index_sql;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Index_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
. : 2. Index Tablespace Name - Default SMALLDBINDEX
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create Indexes for USER
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***indx.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_sequence_sql
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Sequence_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create Sequences of USER
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***seqs.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_view_sql;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_View_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create View for USER
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***view.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_synonym_sql
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Synonym_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create Synonyms for USER
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***syns.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gnsql.generate_comment_sql;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Comment_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create Comments for USER Objects
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***comm.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_procedure_sql;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Procedure_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create Stored Objects for USER
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***proc.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_trigger_sql
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Trigger_Sql
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create Triggers for USER
Output File : Saved at /tmp/***trig.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> exec gensql.generate_script_files;
Procedure Name : GenSql.Generate_Script_Files
Parameter(s) : 1. User (Schema) Name
. : 2. Data Tablespace Name - Default SMALLDBDATA
. : 3. Index Tablespace Name - Default SMALLDBINDEX
Description : To Generate SQL Statements To Create All Objects In Schema
Object Name File Name
---------------------------- ------------------------------
User/Profile/Role/Privs /tmp/***user.sql
Tables /tmp/***tabs.sql
Indexes /tmp/***indx.sql
Views /tmp/***view.sql
Constraints /tmp/***cons.sql
Sequences /tmp/***seqs.sql
Synonyms /tmp/***syns.sql
Comments /tmp/***comm.sql
Stored Objects /tmp/***proc.sql
Triggers /tmp/***trig.sql
DB Links /tmp/***dbln.sql
. Where *** is the username passed in as parameter
Note : This procedure uses utl_file - an Oracle7.3 feature!
Biju Thomas is Oracle7.3 OCP, Oracle8 OCP,
Oracle8i OCP and Oracle9i OCA/OCP Certified DBA |
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