Exploring Autonomous Databases – Client Credentials

You connect to the autonomous database (ATP or ADW) by downloading the Client Credentials Zip file from the Administration console. 

Service Console -> Administration -> Download Client Credentials

Using SQL Developer, you can connect to the ATP or ADW database by choosing the “Connection Type” as “Cloud PDB” and provide the downloaded zip file name (wallet) as the configuration file name. A wallet contains a collection of files, including the key and other information needed to connect to your database service in the Autonomous Cloud. All communications between your computer and the database server are encrypted.

The downloaded zip file includes the connection information for all the ATP and ADW databases you have created under the cloud account, even though the credential zip file name is “wallet_<DBName>.zip”. 

SQL Developer Screen – Cloud PDB Connection entries from the ATP database credentials zip file

The picture shows connection details for 4 different autonomous databases, though the wallet file name (database name) is DB201810021812. 

When you extract the zip file, and review the tnsnames.ora file, you can find all connection entries (4 services for each ATP database, 3 services for each ADW database). The ADW connection names are <DBNAME>_high,  <DBNAME>_medium, and <DBNAME>_low. The ATP connections are the same, plus  <DBNAME>_parallel.

The predefined service names provide different levels of performance and concurrency for Autonomous Databases. Read about the different service names here.