UNIX 4 DBA (Part II)

Part 2 - Using UNIX Commands

To see errors from Alert log file

cd alertlogdirectory;
grep ORA- alertSID.log

To see the name of a user from his unix id (Provided your UNIX admin keeps them!)

grep userid /etc/passwd

To see if port number 1521 is reserved for Oracle

grep 1521 /etc/services

To see the latest 20 lines in the Alert log file:

tail -20 alertSID.log

To see the first 20 lines in the Alert log file:

head -20 alertSID.log

To find a file named "whereare.you" under all sub-directories of /usr/oracle

find /usr/oracle -name whereare.you -print

To remove all the files under /usr/oracle which end with .tmp

find /usr/oracle -name "*.tmp" -print -exec rm -f {} \;

To list all files under /usr/oracle which are older than a week.

find /usr/oracle -mtime +7 -print

To list all files under /usr/oracle which are modified within a week.

find /usr/oracle -mtime -7 -print

To compress all files which end with .dmp and are more than 1 MB.

find /usr/oracle -size +1048576c -name "*.dmp" -print -exec compress {} \;

To see the shared memory segment sizes

ipcs -mb

To see the space used and available on /oracle mount point

df -k /oracle

To see the users logged in to the server and their IP address

who -T

To change passwd of oracle user

passwd oracle

To convert the contents of a text file to UPPERCASE

tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]" < filename > newfilename

To convert the contents of a text file to lowercase.

tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" < filename > newfilename

To kill a process from Unix.

kill unixid
kill -9 unixid

To see the oracle processes

ps -ef | grep SIDNAME

To see the number of lines in a text file (can be used to find the number of records while loading data from text file).

wc -l filename

To change all occurrences of SCOTT with TIGER in a file

sed 's/SCOTT/TIGER/g' filename > newfilename

To see lines 100 to 120 of a file

head -120 filename | tail -20

To truncate a file (for example listener.log file)

rm filename; touch filename

To see if SQL*Net connection is OK.

tnsping SIDNAME

To see if the server is up.

ping servername

To see the versions of all Oracle products installed on the server.


You can give permissions for all users to read the trace files generated by Oracle7 (in USER_DUMP_DEST directory) by including the parameter _TRACE_FILES_PUBLIC = TRUE in init.ora file and cycle the database (note the parameter starts with "_" )

Part 1 - Common UNIX Commands

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Biju Thomas is Oracle7.3 OCP, Oracle8 OCP, 
Oracle8i OCP and Oracle9i OCA/OCP Certified DBA

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